
Open Cascade releases a new version of Web 3D Viewer – 2.1!

26 Jan 2022

We are happy to announce that the 2.1 maintenance release of Open Cascade Web 3D Viewer is ready. The release is mainly focused on stability and quality of life improvements and adding proper Linux support.

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Added Linux support.
  • Added the API methods showUserInterface, enableContextMenu and showWatermark that allow hiding the viewer UI, context menu and OCC logo, which is useful when embedding the viewer into another product.
  • Added the fitAll method to viewer API, which fits the view to scene contents.
  • Re-introduced the Module.api.removeObjects method, which was previously removed due to stability issues.
  • Ensured consistent behavior between actions in the Select View menu and corresponding API commands (setTopView, setLeftView, etc.).
  • Added the –one_object option to XCAFToMesh utility, which discards the part hierarchy and imports the whole XCAF model as one compound shape, generating only one mesh node.
  • Moved the model gallery logic from nginx to the backend. The client can use GET/api/models to retrieve the list of models, and then GET/api/models/{model_name}/** to get individual gallery files.
  • Reduced memory usage by optimizing font loading.
  • Added support for more native file format readers.
  • Added support for RVM models.


  • Fixed a memory leak in the Viewer that could crash the browser tab after a long run time.
  • Models containing 1D wires are now converted successfully (the wires get tesselated).

Try out Web 3D Viewer right now and learn more about the way the component can be implemented into different kinds of end-user solutions. Interact with the preloaded models and perform standard operations to explore design.

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