On top of open-source Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) libraries we offer miscellaneous Added-value Components (SDKs) that can enrich your application or help you solve a specific problem. If you develop your in-house software, or if you are a commercial software editor, these components should be particularly interesting for you because using them in your products will save your time and costs.
If you’re looking for a way to buy best 3D CAD software development kits, consider using our 3D CAD libraries. We offer solutions for data exchange, enabling mesh support in development and processing, surface reconstruction and modification, massive volumetric data sets visualization, converting NURBS geometries of shapes, detecting collisions or proximity between pairs of shapes, finding the proper position of a cloud of points, converting arbitrary 2D curves into sequences of circular arcs and linear segments, working with sheet metal production models, and others.
For developers of web-based applications we offer the ready-to-use package Web3D Viewer consisting of two components allowing CAD rendering and visualization in web and conversion of CAD files to internal binary presentation format that can be displayed in a web browser.
For professional developers, Advanced Samples are available with full source code, to demonstrate Open CASCADE Technology use in various domains, including data exchange, 3D parametric modeling, and industrial design.
Advanced Tools can be applied immediately to speed up the development in your specific environment. Advanced C# and Java Wrappers are intended for wrapping Open CASCADE Technology API, and can be configured to wrap any OCCT API, and also API of other C++ SDKs. Thus, they make OCCT available in the .NET and Java environment.
So, if you are wondering, “Where can I buy CAD software development kits?” — we have many CAD components to offer, and not only CAD! Just choose those you’re most interested in from the links below and find out more details.