
Parasolid Import Component


The Open CASCADE Parasolid Import SDK provides Open CASCADE Technology-based applications with the capability of reading Parasolid files.

Two levels of data conversion are available:

  • BRep data (geometrical and topological data),
  • Attributes (colors and names) associated with BRep data.

Reading of such data from X_T (text) and X_B (binary) files of all known format versions (schemes) is possible.

BRep data can be transferred alone, or together with the associated attributes.


  • Reading geometrical and topological data

This function loads a Parasolid file and converts geometric and topological data to Open CASCADE Technology shapes. It calls Shape Healing to compute data necessary to reach the integrity of Open CASCADE Technology models. As for the other data exchange interfaces, Shape Healing called by the Parasolid import interface can be controlled by a resource file, allowing adaptation to special healing needs. When no resource file is defined, the default healing sequence is applied.

  • Reading attributes

Association of attributes with shapes is possible with the help of XDE, Extended Data Exchange module of Open CASCADE Technology.

The reading function at this level fills an XDE data structure with conversion results as Open CASCADE Technology shapes, then adds colors and names present in the Parasolid file. They can then be accessed through the XDE API of Open CASCADE Technology.


  • This interface provides direct exchange of data with systems that support Parasolid format (Unigraphics, SolidEdge, SolidWorks, Microstation, etc.) for Open CASCADE Technology – based applications and can considerably extend the scope and increase the quality and speed of translation.
  • It also provides a high level of data exchange quality through the use of Shape Healing, which corrects models before they are stored into Open CASCADE Technology shapes, and benefits from the Open CASCADE Technology framework for data exchange.
  • The interface requires no third-party license.
  • Its source code can be licensed.

Please read about MIDAS/FX+ (by MIDAS IT) in which this component was successfully applied.


The Parasolid Import interface is based on the latest version of Open CASCADE Technology, and requires no other external software.

It is available on all platforms supported by the corresponding version of Open CASCADE Technology.

Operational mode and possible limitations are described in the documentation accompanying the module.

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