
Mesh Processing Component


Nowadays mesh representation of CAD models is widely used in such spheres as Computer-Aided Engineering (e.g. for FEM), Computer-Aided Machining (for construction of manufacturing plan) or Reverse Engineering. Augmented and Virtual Reality scenes impose strict limitations on the number of triangles that can be displayed.

Open Cascade Mesh Processing SDK allows for interplay between exact B-Rep geometry and polygonal representations. It offers a vast set of operations available on meshes including mesh generation, decimation, smoothing as well as specific tools for meshing pipe-like parts, which is useful for simplification of electrical harnesses.

The Mesh Processing SDK also contains basic data management algorithms and supports assembly-level operations, such as model loading, saving, restructuring, extracting subassembly to file or retrieving information about data node, recognizing canonical geometry, etc. The SDK functionality is available for evaluation with Open Cascade`s end-user product CAD Processor.

Mesh Processing SDK implementation in CAD Processor


The following key operators are available for mesh models: surface mesh generation, mesh decimation and Laplacian smoothing.

The Generate Mesh tool constructs a mesh representation of a part based on its precise geometry.

Extract Visible Triangles tool can extract only outward-facing polygons from a mesh, discarding those that are obstructed from outside view by surrounding geometry. The main use cases for this tool are the protection of intellectual property and preparation for augmented/virtual reality.

The polyhedrization algorithm allows reducing the number of facets while preserving the fiber-like shape of the input geometry. This operator works best for electrical harnesses simplification.

Shrink Wrapping is a way to generate computational-quality surface mesh eliminating possible imperfections of the model. The set of defects includes self-intersections, gaps and flipping normals.

Convex hull can be constructed on the nodes of the cad-agnostic or visualization mesh and works in either part or assembly mode.

Obfuscate Model is a distortion utility used to camouflage the dimensions of a model, mainly for the purpose of IP protection.

Different tools in Checkers category, including checking mesh quality, deviations, self-intersection, etc., help inspect models both visually and numerically to evaluate condition, find issues, and track simplification results.


  • Vast variety of operations on meshes easily built-in to your application.
  • Speeding up the development process and increase of ROI with ready-to-use time-proven development tool that can be applied immediately to your specific environment.
  • Plenty of licensing options including annual or perpetual, node-locked or floating licenses.
  • Considerable cost saving on development.
  • Integration into your application by our experts available upon request within Open Cascade Support services.


The Mesh Processing SDK is based on the latest version of Open CASCADE Technology and requires no other external software.

The following baselines must be met to use the SDK:


  • Windows 7, 8, 10, 11,
  • Compiler: MSVS 2015 or newer,
  • 64 bits,
  • Corresponding version of Open CASCADE Technology (at the moment – version 7.6.1).


  • Ubuntu 18.04.6,
  • gcc 7.5.0+,
  • 64 bits,
  • Corresponding version of Open CASCADE Technology (at the moment – version 7.6.1).

Operational mode and possible limitations are described in the documentation accompanying the module.

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