
Hybrid 3D visualization

Open Cascade Platform Module

From a simple product design review up to exploration of complex industrial assets — a stable, powerful and proven visualization solution is a key enabler for efficient engineering operations. Interactive and immersive visualization of industrial data improves visual perception and user experience dramatically. It also boosts efficiency of existing ecosystem in the target domains and optimizes industrial processes.

Open Cascade comes to digital market fully equipped with visualization solutions – from classical desktop 3D viewers to web-based rendering, efficient mobile solutions and highly-specific advanced rendering algorithms for industrial data.

Experience high-quality visualization of different types of 3D data:

CAD assemblies and digital mock-ups visualization – today many industrial companies have to deal with extremely large and complex CAD assemblies containing about 100 000 parts or above that. This is a typical use case for shipbuilding, aircraft building, plant design, etc. Open Cascade offers fluent and fully interactive CAD visualization solutions. Based on proprietary Level Of Detail (LOD) technology, smart grouping of graphic presentations and minimizing the CPU overhead during rendering, Open Cascade solutions easily handle complicated CAD assemblies with a state-of-the-art visual quality.

Visualization of massive point clouds – Open Cascade helps industries to deal with large point clouds coming from laser scanning or image-based reconstruction techniques. This includes areas like reverse engineering, plant maintenance, cartography and GIS, metrology, physical simulations, etc. Open Cascade point cloud visualization solution can be used to render point clouds from small to practically unlimited size with fully interactive performance. In addition to point coordinates, it can handle such point attributes as intensity, color, normal and type ID. Visual perception is improved using Eye-Dome Lighting (EDL) algorithm. Interactive selection of point cloud fragments and individual points performed directly on GPU can be used for point cloud editing and point cloud segmentation in real-time. Also, selections results can be retrieved on a CPU side when needed.

Volume Rendering – Open Cascade offers software solutions for 3D visualization of very large volumetric data sets generated by high-resolution CT equipment. Level-of-detail (LOD) approach implemented in the solution gives the opportunity to display almost unlimited industrial volumes of CT data. It brings added value to computed tomography (CT) scanners manufacturers for industrial and healthcare usage. It is handy for visual quality control in industrial manufacturing or even for research needs in the fields of geology, life science, etc. It allows building unique vendor-agnostic CT solutions or enhancing existing software for 3D volumetric data processing.

3D photogrammetry – Open Cascade offers solutions for 3D reconstruction from images and videos. This technique is in high demand for remote inspection of cluttered or hardly accessible locations or spaces, like a ship hull or a compartment, production facility or telecommunication infrastructure. The software solution processes the collected images and videos to build the consistent models of as-built or as-operated state of an asset. Open Cascade comes with solutions that generate point cloud or textured mesh outputs.

Mixing heterogeneous 3D models in one scene – there are many industrial use cases where it is necessary to display different types of models in the same 3D view. It can be quick visual checking of an as-built point cloud against a reference CAD model, combining volumetric data with CAD models (e.g. in order to fit new components or parts to existing tools or equipment), etc. Open Cascade offers such solutions with flexible customization and integration opportunities.


  • Integration with VR/AR – leverage Open Cascade technology for visualization of VR/AR scenes for immersive fully interactive experiences: simulations, trainings, maintenance, etc.
  • Platform-independency – the visualization solutions provided by Open Cascade work in desktop, mobile and web environment. We take care of all platform-specific visualization aspects.
  • Flexible deployment capabilities – upon customer request, a solution can be deployed on premises or in a public cloud.
  • Extended visualization features – to improve user experience when dealing with complex industrial assemblies, Open Cascade provides efficient solutions highlighting parts of interest in a large assembly with the capability of changing visibility, recoloring, applying transparency, smart navigation and filtering tools, etc.
  • Integration with other industrial systems – seamlessly connected, visual representation of a product or a facility and asset information (PLM, ERP, etc.) ensures a highly efficient and effective decision-making in operations environments.

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